Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is there any religion that is not split into different sects?

We all know that the number of christian denominations is endless, and the muslims are split, and even the greatest religion (in my opinion) in the world, BUddhism has different types. So is there a religion that only has ONE set of followers?Is there any religion that is not split into different sects?
No, not really, maybe some small obscure belief. Islam has three major sects, Sunni, Shi'a, Sufism; Judaism has several too: orthodox, reform, Conservative movement, and reconstructionist to name a few. I think any major religion will have two if not three sects; an orthodox or fundamental sect, a liberal sect, and possibly a mystic sect.Is there any religion that is not split into different sects?
It is normal for humans to have slightly differing opinions about beliefs. I think the Bai'Hai has only one type. To correct one person's statement, the Unitarian Universalist Association is No Longer considered a Christian church, they are completely non-denominational. But they are somewhat unique in that they accept people who follow all sorts of different religious/spiritual paths, and I don't think they can be called a 'religion' in the strict sense.
New Age.

The New Age Movement is in a class by itself. Unlike most formal religions, it has no holy text, central organization, membership, formal clergy, geographic center, dogma, creed, etc. They often use mutually exclusive definitions for some of their terms. The New Age is in fact a free-flowing spiritual movement; a network of believers and practitioners who share somewhat similar beliefs and practices. Their book publishers take the place of a central organization; seminars, conventions, books and informal groups replace of sermons and religious services.

Not even folks of the same religion can agree completely with each other. Humans rarely do.

New Age is a bunch of different religions. Most of which have at least 5 or 6 branches. Atheism, though not a religion, is really only connected by ';no deities';-- but different Atheists believe different things. I'm an atheist and I believe there is an afterlife. My bud's an atheist and he does not. As for Judaism and Islam, I'm like 90% sure Judaism has different sects, and I've never researched Islam, but there's a good chance they are, too.
Every person that follows a religion has a slightly different take on it, so even within a fairly homogeneous group, there are people that may have different beliefs than the established doctrine. If you have a religion, there are going to be sects.
Whenever someone tries to create a single religion for a large number of people, it will inevitably split into different sects. Every person is different, and attempts to create uniformity are futile. Diversity is good.
greatest religion? there is no such thing. you can't compare religions that way, because it's either right or wrong, since there is supposed to be only one truth, so only one religion has it.

but anyway, no I don't know any, to answer your question.
Judaism %26amp; Islam I think are those which still stick with their beleifs. Some of them makes confusion but follow the samething %26amp; pray same as eachother %26amp; pray to same God.

I am not really sure about Judaism but Prophet Muhammad said that before Judgment Day, Islam will spit in 72 sects %26amp; then Mahdi (guy from Arab) %26amp; Jesus will unite them %26amp; Christians as one unit.
Not really...

And first answerer: Unitarian Universalism is a very liberal protestant Christian religion (and it's actually a joining of two different denominations). It's just so liberal that Christians don't call us Christians anymore.
People have different visions, different viewpoints and different belief systems. Don't expect people to walk in lockstep, with one viewpoint. Thank God that God in His great wisdom supports a viewpoint of tolerance.
As long as human beings have likes and dislikes, they will produce different sects of any religion.

I guess the really meaningful question would be: How to let go of likes and dislikes!
The religion that has only one adherent is the religion with the least sects.
I would say atheism, though its not a religion. It pretty much agrees that there is no god or gods. There are no 'sects' or branches of it. An atheist is an atheist.
Atheist - if that counts; i think it's the only one where everyone pretty much agrees with one another
Universal Unitarianism maybe. Let me check.

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