Sunday, February 7, 2010

I have natural african american hair. How can you tell when you have split ends?

the ends of my hair feel kind of dry and will get tangled. are these split ends? as my hair isn't straight, i can't really look at one strand and see if it's split in two or not.I have natural african american hair. How can you tell when you have split ends?
well they way you can tell is by the way your hair looks the at end. if it looks like all ridged and broken up then you have split ends. its best for you to do it while your hair is wet cause then you cant really tell that its been cut.I have natural african american hair. How can you tell when you have split ends?
A good way to tell is that all of your hair should be the same texture, including your ends. If your ends are fuzzier than the rest of your hair or after greasing it, the ends still have a different texture than the rest then you probably need a trim. Also, if your hair is breaking off in small pieces, that a sign too. But you can also get a split mender serum, that works really well, there a link below. African Pride hair grease is also really good and it makes your hair grow really fast! BTW, although I use a straightening iron, my hair isn't chemically treated either.
take sections of your hair just as you would if you were to strim straightened hair and look at the ends, if they are thinner than the rest of your hair then you need to clip them. or you can put your hair in twists and just snip the ends off
  • tvs
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