Thursday, February 11, 2010

How can you learn to do push ups and splits?

I'm in good shape but I'm trying to improve my flexibility and my upper body stregth. My goal is to be able to do 2 min. worth of push ups and to do a full split. I'm about half way right now but my push ups are pretty pathetic. Any ideas of how I can get this done?How can you learn to do push ups and splits?
I'm not sure what to tell you about the splits, but I can help you with the push-ups.

When you are just starting out with push-ups, make sure you start easy. You don't want to over do it and pull/rip any muscles.

I would start with doing 5-10 of what are commonly referred to as ';starter push-ups';. That means instead of being in the normal push-up position, you would have your knees resting on the ground while keeping the rest of your body straight and tight. I would do these a few sets of these a day, resting for 60 seconds between sets, until you can do a set fairly easily.

After you can do 4-5 sets of these, I would move up to regular push-ups. While defining your upper body, mainly with push-ups, you will want to work on your shoulders too. Use some light 5-10 lb weights and do some lifts to strengthen you shoulders. A good one would be to hold the weights at your side, while standing, and slowly lift the weights straight out to the sides. Lower them to starting position, then slowly life them straight out in front of you, keeping your elbows just slightly bent.

Doing these on a daily basis will have you do push-ups like a pro in just a few weeks.How can you learn to do push ups and splits?
Just keep doing them but maybe you should change your goal. Instead of doing push-ups for 2 minutes, maybe you should shoot for being able to do 50 push-ups without stopping (or any other number).
There are magazines or maybe even websites which teach people how to do push ups and splits.
U need a sexual partner...have fun while doing it...

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